Слава Україні! Slava Ukrayini! Glory to Ukraine! (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrvPBdMdj98)

Woah! Look what came in the mail today! Thanks to downeastmagazine for the kudos!

We only have a handful of stateside shows before we embark on our cultural diplomacy tour with with American Music Abroad!

Our 3rd annual tour of Ireland has begun! Rain is better than snow at this time of year, so we’ll take it. See our tour page for more information. If you have a great picture of us and want it framed Personalized by Kate can make a custom one for you.

We’re touring the northeast for a couple weeks with our good friend Timmy Findlen on drums/uke/saw before we head to Europe. Check out our tour page for more information.