We’re featured in a video about the influence of bluegrass on today’s pop culture along with Ricky Skaggs and the Dixie Chicks. Also, don’t forget, OUR KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN ENDS THURSDAY 12/19! Get those fancy prizes while they’re still there!
Here’s the next single, “Money Is For Spending” by our friend Rotten Belly Blues. This is all you’re gonna get before the album is completed. Click here to pledge to our KICKSTARTER campaign.
THANKYOUTHANKYOUSERIOUSLYTHANKYOU! to everyone who has contributed so far. We are now shooting for our stretch goals (which include more rewards for contributors!), which you can read about on our KICKSTARTER page. There’s a lot more we’d like to do with this album, like take it to the International Folk Alliance Conference in Kansas City in February to get it in the hands and ears of industry insiders. Also, once we hit $5500 we’ll be releasing another single from the album!
As a “Thank You” for a great first day of our Kickstarter campaign, here’s the promised single! See below for the Kickstarter video or visit the Kickstarter page here.
The KICKSTARTER campaign has begun! Please consider pre-purchasing the CD to raise money to finish our upcoming record, or get some other cool perk we’re offering at OUR KICKSTARTER PAGE. And see some silly things in the video we made.
Our very first video with Kyle! “How They’re Rollin” is one of our newest songs, written by Kyle, and was shot on July 20th at Mayo Street Arts in Portland. Thanks to Charlie Hudson and Blainor McGough for making it happen.